We hope this email finds you well.
Firstly, Mallary and I would like to express our gratitude for your presence throughout Easter weekend. It was a great pleasure to worship together and celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
You’ll recall that our sermon message, “Lost and Found,” highlighted all the ways we get lost and all the ways Jesus finds us.
Through the Luke 15 parable of the lost sons, we learned the concept of being lost, not just as a physical location but also as a spiritual condition. We also explored how the Father’s loving heart pursues us recklessly and lavishly in unwavering love, finding us and inviting us to return to His heart.
With that in mind, please join us tonight for our prayer call focused on healing and redemption in the Father’s love.
In Psalm 103:3-4, we are reminded of the Father’s unwavering love, mercy, and compassion towards us, as well as His ability to heal our diseases, redeem our lives from destruction, and crown us with lovingkindness and tender mercies.
As we seek God’s guidance, we will pray for one another to apply this truth in our lives and trust Jesus with our physical, mental and emotional, financial, and spiritual health, knowing that He will bring about His perfect will in our lives.
Let us trust in the Father’s love and mercy, knowing that He is faithful to complete the work He has started in us.
Join us at 8 pm via Zoom. See you soon!
God bless,
Pastor Alvin & Mallary Brown
alvin@makingamosaic.com :: mallary@makingamosaic.com
P.S. You’re also invited to join us as we enter into our seventh week of a 12-week long Bible study entitled, “Come and See: Exploring the Gospel of John”.
P.S.S. Mark your calendar and join us for food and fun at The Brown’s house (text The Browns for location details).
Sunday, Apr. 16th @ 5 pm
Sunday, Apr. 30th @ 5 pm

General Prayer Requests & Updates
For evangelism to flourish so communities and campuses in the greater Fort Worth area will be reached, and the lost will see and experience the love of Christ and be drawn to his kingdom.
For signs and wonders to follow the preaching of His Word.
For team unity and laborers to help carry the load.
For finances and provisions.
For fully funded campus missionaries (2 per campus) to help reach the next generation — University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), Texas Christian University (TCU), Tarrant County College (TCC), Texas Wesleyan University (TWU) and Tarleton State University – Fort Worth (TSU).

Alvin Brown, the Lead Pastor of Mosaic Church Fort Worth, brings over a decade of pastoral ministry experience and more than 20 years of operational and technical leadership expertise. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Telecommunications Management from DeVry University and an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management. He enjoys spending quality time with his wife, Mallary, and their three children and contributing as a writer to various media outlets.