Have you ever felt lost in life?
Do you feel like you’re wandering without direction?
Have you ever made mistakes that caused you to feel like you’ve gone too far from God’s love?
In Luke 15, Jesus tells three parables about the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son. In each story, something is lost, and great effort is made to find it. The shepherd leaves his flock to search for the one lost sheep that wandered off, the woman turns her house upside down to find her lost coin inside the house, and the father runs to meet his prodigal son who has returned home from a far distant country.
As we read these parables, it’s easy to see ourselves as the lost sheep or the lost coin, but what about the lost son? The younger son had gone far from home, living a life of rebellion and sin, but when he realized his mistake and returned to his father, he was met with open arms and lavish love that led to a celebratory party in his return.
But the story doesn’t end there… or does it?
While most people refer to this parable as The Prodigal Son, did you know that there was more than one son lost in this story? Yes, not one son, become two become lost in their own way.
The second son, or older son, is often missed in this story that represents the Pharisees and scribes of the day not having compassionate hearts for Jesus welcoming and eating with tax collectors and sinners, which represent the younger son.
As for the older son and his lostness, he had stayed at home, working hard and obeying his father, but he too had lost his way. He was bitter and angry, unable to accept his father’s grace towards his brother.
But the truth is, we can find ourselves in both the younger son and the older son at different times in our lives. We can make mistakes, rebel against God, and feel lost and far from “home” both spiritually and physically. But we can also become self-righteous, judgemental, and bitter towards others as jealousy, envy, pride, and entitlement consume our hearts.
Yet, no matter where we find ourselves, Jesus is always seeking us out. He pursues us with the Father’s reckless and unwavering love, never giving up on us. He invites us to return to the Father’s heart, where we will find acceptance, forgiveness, and love beyond measure.
Reflection Questions:
- Are you feeling lost in life?
- Are you struggling with mistakes you’ve made, or bitterness towards others and their mistakes?
We all get lost in life. Remember that Jesus is always seeking you out with the Father’s love. Take a moment to ask Him to show you the way back to the Father’s heart. Trust in His love and His grace to lead you home.

Alvin Brown, the Lead Pastor of Mosaic Church Fort Worth, brings over a decade of pastoral ministry experience and more than 20 years of operational and technical leadership expertise. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Telecommunications Management from DeVry University and an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management. He enjoys spending quality time with his wife, Mallary, and their three children and contributing as a writer to various media outlets.