June was an exceptionally memorable month for us at Mosaic Church Fort Worth. We continued to form our faith in Jesus through the fellowship of making disciples where we live, work, and play.
We started by celebrating the incredible men in our lives—fathers, brothers, husbands, and those who answer God’s call to serve, love, and lead daily. These men make our world a better place to encounter God every day.
This month, we also reached a significant milestone by welcoming our first and newest members to Mosaic. We’re deeply grateful for each person’s commitment to growing their faith and relationship with God and others, and in His mission through our church.

While some couldn’t be with us for the recognition—they were either traveling, vacationing, or awaiting the completion of their Next Steps Touchpoint—we’re already looking forward to celebrating more new members this fall.
One of the highlights we eagerly anticipate each summer is the fellowship of our Summer Women’s Bible Study.

This year’s theme was the Sabbath, and for six weeks, our women gathered weekly to explore Walter Brueggemann’s profound work, “Sabbath as Resistance: Saying No to the Culture of Now.”
These gatherings offered a life-giving space to connect with God and one another, rediscovering the sacred rhythms God intended for us.
Another highlight of June was our participation in Mosaic’s inaugural Every Nation Youth Camp Central at Carolina Creek in Huntsville, Texas.
The camp’s theme, “Legendary Status—I am a Disciple,” based on Ephesians 3:7-12, was a powerful experience.

I, Pastor Alvin, spoke to middle and high school students about spiritual formation and maturation through Holy Spirit Empowerment, highlighting three key aspects of how the Spirit enables us to make a mark, leave a legacy, and realize legendary status as defined by God.
It was a tremendous blessing, and we can’t wait to send our budding students’ ministry to future camps.
And speaking of the future, we’re excited to share all the incredible things God is doing in July in our community and on campus. But you’ll have to wait until our next email for those exciting updates!
In the meantime, be sure to visit and subscribe to our YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Spotify pages.
On these platforms, we engage with and share updates on God’s incredible work and content to encourage and challenge us to grow in our faith in Jesus, one another, and the people we interact with where we live, work, and play.
And it goes without saying, but we couldn’t do this without your faithful partnership, prayers, and support. Thank you for standing with us as we make disciples of Jesus.
We love you and appreciate your unwavering support. That’s all for now!
Pastor Alvin & Mallary Brown
alvin@makingamosaic.com :: mallary@makingamosaic.com
General Prayer Requests & Updates
For evangelism to flourish so communities and campuses in the greater Fort Worth area will be reached, and the lost will see and experience the love of Christ and be drawn to his kingdom.
For signs and wonders to follow the preaching of His Word.
For team unity and laborers to help carry the load.
For finances and provisions.
For fully funded campus missionaries (2 per campus) to help reach the next generation — Texas Christian University (TCU), Dallas Baptist University (DBU), University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), Tarrant County College (TCC), Texas Wesleyan University (TWU) and Tarleton State University – Fort Worth (TSU).

Alvin Brown, the Lead Pastor of Mosaic Church Fort Worth, brings over a decade of pastoral ministry experience and more than 20 years of operational and technical leadership expertise. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Telecommunications Management from DeVry University and an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management. He enjoys spending quality time with his wife, Mallary, and their three children and contributing as a writer to various media outlets.