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Hi everyone!

Happy Spring Break (and time change)!

For this week’s prayer call (and likely the next few weeks), we will be focusing on praying the Psalms of Ascent over the communities, campuses, and citizens of Fort Worth.

The Psalms of Ascent, also known as the Songs of Ascent, are a collection of 15 psalms (Psalms 120-134) that were sung by Jewish pilgrims as they ascended to Jerusalem for the annual feasts.

Continue reading Praying the Songs of Ascent: Psalm 133.
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Ready or not? The countdown is on! The hour has come… and it’s slipping away faster than we realize!

Daylight Saving Time is almost here — this coming Saturday night, and with it comes the loss of that most cherished, precious hour of rest we’ve all grown so accustomed to.

But while losing an hour of sleep may seem insignificant — I won’t speak for everyone, it serves as a powerful reminder that time itself is fleeting. So, let this email be a wake-up call to make the most of every day, hour, and minute that we’re entrusted with.

Continue reading Bring an Awakening.
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Hi everyone!

As we go about our daily lives spread out across Fort Worth, it’s easy to see the brokenness that surrounds us. From the headlines in the news to the struggles we see in our own communities and campuses, it’s clear that there are many who are lost and hurting.

But as believers, we know that there is hope in Jesus. We believe that through Jesus, we can be found and made whole from even the most broken parts of our lives and our city.

Continue reading Prayers for A Lost & Found City.
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