Discussion Guide: See The Christmas Light – From Bystander to Witness

Published December 12, 2024

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Discussion Guide: See The Christmas Light – From Bystander to Witness


Let’s invite God into our time together, asking Him to reveal His purpose, presence, and power. Let’s open our hearts to encounter Him and ask that this conversation draw us closer to each other and His purpose for us.

Does anyone have prayer requests, or would anyone like to share a moment where you’ve recently felt God moving in your life?


Light Greater Than Darkness :: From Bystander to Witness


This December, as we enter the season of Advent, we begin a new series titled See the Christmas Light, diving into the Prologue of John 1. Together, we’ll reflect on the hope, peace, joy, and love found in Jesus, celebrating His birth and looking forward to His promised return—an enduring reminder of God’s faithfulness and love for humanity.

In Sunday’s message, We Are All Witnesses, we explored John 1:6-8,15 and what it means to witness to the light and how it transforms us and others where we live, work, and play by asking four key questions about what it really means to be a witness.  Before we discuss those key questions from the sermon, let’s begin with this question: 

What is something amazing you have witnessed in your life?


“There was a man sent from God whose name was John.” —John 1:6

The Apostle John’s writing about John’s being sent isn’t just his opinion of some alternative reality.  John’s Gospel confirms that John the Baptist fulfilled Old Testament prophecies of Malachi 3:1 and Isaiah 40:3. 

Therefore, John the Baptist didn’t choose himself—God sent him to testify about the light of Jesus.  In the same way, you and I don’t send ourselves—only the authority of God sets us apart and sends us into the world as witnesses to the light.

What does it mean to come as a “witness to the light”? How did John the Baptist fulfill this role?

Where you live, work, and play, has God sent you or have you sent yourself?

Recall a time that you “sent” yourself rather than God sending and confirming He sent you. How did you come to realize that God had not sent you?

Can you share about a time when someone else’s witness to the light grew your belief in God?


He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe.” —John 1:7

The Greek word martus for “witness” describes someone with firsthand knowledge of something significant, tasked with sharing it truthfully. Being a witness to Jesus means living in a way that reflects the trustworthiness and truth of God. Since God is the ultimate truth and we are made in His image, what we believe about truth profoundly shapes how we live and testify to others.

Our public and private actions serve as evidence of our faith and the light we carry. They reveal who we are and, ultimately, whose we are. As witnesses to the light of Christ, we must ask ourselves: Is our witness drawing others closer to Him or pushing them away?

How does understanding the trustworthiness of a witness as rooted in God’s truth challenge how you live and share your faith?

Reflect on a recent interaction you had with someone who doesn’t know Jesus. Did your words and actions point them toward His light or away from it? What might you do differently in the future?

Since actions reveal who we are and whose we are, is your witness consistent in both public and private? What steps can you take to align these more closely with God’s truth?

If being a child of the light means reflecting Jesus’ light in dark places, what areas of your life need a greater infusion of His light to strengthen your witness?


“He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.” —John 1:8

Our world often tells us that life is about making ourselves the center of attention, but the true purpose is in making Jesus the center. John the Baptist understood this completely. His mission wasn’t to draw attention to himself but to faithfully reflect Christ’s light.

Like the moon reflects the sun’s light, we are called to reflect the light of Jesus. However, just as obstacles can dim the moon’s light, so can our witness when we allow people, places, or things to block our connection to Christ.

As we think about our role as witnesses, it’s essential to reflect on how we are reflecting Jesus’ light in the way we live and share our faith:

How does understanding your role as one who reflects Jesus’ light, rather than replacing it, change the way you witness to others?

Do you ever feel pressure to “save” someone when you share the gospel? How can you rely on Jesus to save while being faithful to your role as a witness?

What are the “people, places, or things” in your life that may be blocking the light of Jesus from being fully reflected in your witness? How can you remove those obstacles?

If Jesus’ light shone directly on your life today, would your testimony stand up to His truth? What areas need refining so that your witness is more authentic and Christ-centered?


“(John testified concerning him. He cried out, saying, “This is the one I spoke
about when I said, ‘He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.”)” — John 1:15

Our witness must be grounded in humility when God calls us to share the truth of who Jesus is—the Word, the Life, and the Light that saves us from sin and death. John the Baptist pointed to Jesus as the one who surpasses all, acknowledging that Jesus is more significant than himself. Without this humility, our message risks becoming about us instead of Christ.

Our witness will be tested as we step out in faith to testify. Sometimes, Christ’s light shines through us clearly. Other times, we struggle with pride, fear, or doubt. In those moments, we must remember we are not called to be bystanders—watching and waiting for someone else to act. We are called to boldly and humbly share the light of Christ, refusing to stand by while others walk in darkness.

Reflecting on the “bystander effect,” how can you guard against waiting for others to speak up, and instead take personal responsibility for sharing the gospel when you see someone in need of the light of Christ?

What does it mean for you personally to “act” when you see someone heading toward darkness? How can you develop a greater sense of urgency in your witness?

Have you ever hesitated to intervene when someone you know was heading toward darkness, either knowingly or unknowingly? What held you back, and what could you do differently next time?

In what areas of your life might you be acting as a bystander, not stepping up to shine the light of Christ? What is God calling you to do today to step into your role as a witness?


Let’s remember to honor God, speak truth, and love others well as we reflect the light of Jesus.

No matter the circumstances—whether challenging, joyful, or uncertain—God is sending us to be His witness. Let’s honor Him by sharing the good news: Jesus, the Word, the Life, and the Light, gave His life for ours, bringing hope, joy, peace, and love that the world can’t offer or take away.

Because the light of Jesus transforms all creation, we have the privilege and responsibility to bear witness to Him, just like John did. God sent John to testify of the coming King, His goodness, and His sacrifice for all of us.

This Advent season, remember: We are all witnesses, called to reflect His light and life in a broken world that desperately needs the true Christmas Light in Jesus.

As we close, let’s take a moment to pray for one another, asking God to help us shine His light more brightly and be faithful witnesses to the light of Christ in the world.

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