Day Two :: The Cross :: Family.

Published January 7, 2025

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Day Two :: The Cross :: Family.

Hi everyone!

Welcome to day two of our fast! Today, we’re focusing on the gift of natural and spiritual family. 

How amazing is it that God, in His wisdom, provides us with both?

Through spiritual family, God surrounds us with imperfect but faithful people who speak truth, stand with us in faith, encourage us, and walk through life’s joys and sorrows. Together, we experience His love and build His kingdom, using the grace and gifts He’s given us.

Please take a moment to watch this video from Amy Soliman (click the image below). In it, she explains how and why Christ’s relational provision for His mother reveals the new community the cross creates.

As you reflect, think about who God has placed in your spiritual family and how you can support them with your time, talents, and treasures.

These devotionals focus on the sayings from Jesus’s actual experience on the cross and are personal and visceral. However, they also reflect broader theological themes that enable us to understand what the work of the cross accomplishes for fallen humanity.

The Cross: Family Devotional Guide will help your family learn about the cross and its importance. Whether you’re fasting or simply participating in daily prayer times, you can draw closer to God together in many ways.

Don’t forget our daily prayer call from 12-12:30 pm. Register if you haven’t already!

That’s it for now. Let’s embrace the beauty of living in community with both our natural and spiritual families.

Be on the lookout for tomorrow’s content, arriving early in the morning.

See you at noon!

God bless,
Pastor Alvin & Mallary Brown

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