Discussion Guide: The Cross – Crowd or Church?

Published January 23, 2025

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Discussion Guide: The Cross – Crowd or Church?


Let’s begin by inviting the Holy Spirit to guide our discussion, open our hearts, and bring clarity as we reflect on the truths revealed in John 6 and Matthew 27.

Does anyone have prayer requests, or would anyone like to share a moment where you’ve recently felt God moving in your life?


When Curiosity Meets Truth :: Crowd or Church?


We’re kicking off this year with a global series titled The Cross and What It Means for Humanity, joining over 700 Every Nation churches worldwide.

In this six-week journey, we’ll explore why the cross is foundational to everything we do as followers of Jesus, examining six powerful stories of lives transformed by it.

This week, we’ll focus on John 6 and Matthew 27, exploring what the crowd’s journey at the cross reveals about our own hearts. Through the lens of a challenging character arc—followers turned traitors—we’ll see how the benefits of following Jesus often confront the cost of true discipleship.

To begin, let’s reflect on this question(s):

Have you ever witnessed someone in need but hesitated, thinking someone else would step in? What happened, and what led you to not step in?


Have someone read John 6:15, 66-69 and Matthew 27:20-23 aloud.  As this person reads, listen for words or phrases that stand out to you.

—John 6:15, 66–69
15 Perceiving then that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself.

66 After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him. 67 So Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?” 68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, 69 and we have believed, and have come to know, that you are the Holy One of God.”
—Matthew 27:20–23
20 Now the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowd to ask for Barabbas and destroy Jesus. 21 The governor again said to them, “Which of the two do you want me to release for you?” And they said, “Barabbas.” 22 Pilate said to them, “Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?” They all said, “Let him be crucified!” 23 And he said, “Why? What evil has he done?” But they shouted all the more, “Let him be crucified!”


The Benefits of Following Jesus

When people encountered Jesus in John 6, they discovered more than a teacher. They found a Savior who met their deepest needs. He healed broken bodies, fed empty bellies, and offered hope for freedom. 

Each of these benefits revealed His unmatched power and deep compassion, drawing crowds who longed for restoration, provision, and liberation. 

Whether it was physical healing, abundant provision, or the promise of freedom, Jesus offered a glimpse of the fullness of life found only in Him—a life that satisfies body, soul, and spirit.

Healing for their Bodies (John 6:2)

Imagine living with an ailment no doctor could cure. Then comes Jesus, offering healing that restores both body and spirit.

Why is physical healing such a powerful draw for people seeking hope or spiritual guidance?

How is spiritual healing just as important as physical healing?

Bread for their Bellies (John 6:5–13)

Hunger is a universal need, but the desire for more than survival is written into every human heart. Jesus didn’t just meet the crowd’s physical hunger—He showed them that true abundance is found in Him.

When you think about abundance, what comes to mind—material needs, emotional well-being, or something else?

How do you reconcile God’s abundant provision with the reality that many still experience lack?

How does generosity shape your life, or how do you wish it would?

Freedom from their Oppressors (John 6:14–15)

For the crowd following Jesus, it wasn’t just a hope for political liberation, but the promise of a life unshackled from all that binds.

What does freedom mean to you—personally, spiritually, or even politically?

How might Jesus’ approach to freedom differ from what people typically expect?

Can true freedom exist apart from spiritual transformation? Why or why not?

The Costs of Following Jesus

As seen in John 6 and Matthew 27, the crowd’s enthusiasm for Jesus shifted when He moved from meeting physical needs to addressing spiritual truths.

But when Jesus shifted the conversation from earthly needs to spiritual truths, offering Himself as the “bread of life,” their enthusiasm waned and the real posture of their hearts were revealed in their yelling, “Let Christ be crucified.”

What began as a fervent following turned into rejection when the cost of discipleship became clear.

Why do you think Jesus shifted the crowd’s focus from physical provision to spiritual fulfillment in His calling Himself the “bread of life”?

Why was the teaching about eating His flesh and drinking His blood so difficult for some to accept?

Have you ever faced a challenging teaching or principle that made you question your commitment? What helped you move forward?

What motivates people to follow Jesus today? Is it similar to or different from the crowd’s motivations?

How do you navigate moments when following Jesus feels difficult or costly?

As the church, how can we respond to people today “turning back” from Jesus when the cost feels too great?

How might embracing the cost of following Jesus deepen your relationship with Him?


In closing, as we reflect on the passages in John 6 and Matthew 27, we’re confronted with a powerful truth: following Jesus often starts with recognizing His benefits but must deepen into embracing His call, even when it feels costly. The crowd’s journey from excitement to rejection reminds us that true discipleship demands more than seeking what Jesus can do for us—it requires surrender to who He is. 

This week, let’s examine our own hearts, motivations, and responses to the cost of following Jesus, trusting that His invitation to a deeper relationship with Him is worth everything.

Let’s close in prayer: asking God for revelation to deepen our understanding of the cross, courage to move from the crowd to true discipleship, and grace to embrace surrender beyond seeking Jesus’ benefits. May the Holy Spirit empower us to overcome any barriers to fully trusting Him.

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