Discussion Guide: See The Christmas Light – When Grace Shows Up

Published December 23, 2024

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Discussion Guide: See The Christmas Light – When Grace Shows Up


Let’s invite God into our time together, asking Him to reveal His purpose, presence, and power. Let’s open our hearts to encounter Him and ask that this conversation draw us closer to each other and His purpose for us.

Does anyone have prayer requests, or would anyone like to share a moment where you’ve recently felt God moving in your life?


Light Greater Than Darkness :: From Bystander to Witness :: Grace and Truth Go Together :: When Grace Shows Up


We’re concluding our month-long Advent series, See the Christmas Light, reflecting on the hope, peace, joy, and love that Jesus brings. Together, we celebrate His birth and eagerly anticipate His promised return—a lasting reminder of God’s unwavering faithfulness and love for humanity.

In this final week, we continue from Sunday’s message, When Grace Shows Up, focusing on John 1:16-18. This passage reminds us that Jesus, the true Light of Christmas, reveals God to us. When God’s grace meets us where we are, we are offered what we could never earn and don’t deserve.

Let’s start by reflecting on this question:

When you think of Jesus, what comes to mind? Who is Jesus to you?


“For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” —John 1:16

Jesus makes the invisible God visible, showing us His nature. At the heart of this revelation is grace—God’s unearned kindness and love. Through Jesus, we receive “grace upon grace,” an endless flow of God’s love, even when we don’t seek it. This grace invites us into God’s presence for forgiveness and transformation. Jesus bore what we deserved so we could receive what we could never earn—life, hope, and belonging.

Can you think of a time when you received kindness or forgiveness you didn’t earn or deserve? How did that experience affect you?

What does the idea of “grace upon grace” mean?

If grace is a free gift, what might make it difficult to accept or believe in for some people?


“For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.“ — John 1:17

God’s law, given through Moses, showed us His love and care but couldn’t transform us. Jesus didn’t abolish the law but fulfilled it, offering grace and truth that lead to real transformation. His life, death, and resurrection make forgiveness possible. Through Jesus, we’re invited to embrace grace, be renewed, and love like Jesus, participating in His mission to restore the world.

How do you respond to the idea that Jesus came to fulfill the law and offer grace instead of just rules to follow?

Why do you think it’s difficult for some people to accept that good deeds or “doing the right thing” aren’t enough to save us?

Have you ever experienced a moment where rules or expectations felt limiting, but love or grace brought true change? How did that shape your perspective?

How have you seen the power of forgiveness or grace bring healing, either in your life or in someone else’s?

How might understanding Jesus as the ultimate fulfillment of the law impact the way we welcome and love others in our everyday lives?


“No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father 's side, he has made him known.” — John 1:18

Jesus is the tangible way God reveals Himself to us. He is the Word, the message, and the true reflection of who God is. Through Jesus’ humanity, God made Himself known in a way we can understand. Jesus offers a personal connection with God—through Him, we experience forgiveness and eternal life. This relationship is not just a belief but a living experience shared in community, where God’s presence is made known.

How does seeing Jesus as a personal, relatable expression of God change the way we understand who God is and how He connects with us?

Can you share a time when you felt God’s presence in a way that really impacted your life? How did it affect how you see faith or life?

What does it mean to you that Jesus shows us who God is and offers us a personal relationship with Him? How does that change how you view faith or spirituality?

How does understanding Jesus as God’s direct revelation impact the way we connect with God and with each other in community?

If God is always with us through Jesus, what does that say about how much He cares for us and is involved in our lives, no matter where we are or what we’ve been through?


As we reflect on the true Christmas light—Jesus, God has made Himself known through His grace, fulfillment, and presence. Jesus is the light our hearts truly long for, offering us hope, peace, joy, and love that transform our lives. His coming invites us into a deeper connection with God and empowers us to embody these promises, sharing them with others in our daily lives.

As we close, let’s pray together, asking God to help us embrace His grace and presence, bringing heaven to earth through Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.

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