Hi everyone!
We’re encouraged to connect with you all tonight at 8 pm to continue in our time of corporate prayer and praise as we seek God on behalf of the greater Fort Worth metroplex.
Last week we aimed our hearts to pray the words from Ephesians 3:14-21, specifically praying for God’s unity as a local church and body in answering His call for Mosaic Church Fort Worth:
To make disciples for Jesus in the communities and on the campuses of Fort Worth through the core values of worship, community, and mission in a multiethnic, multigenerational context.
As we invest time together tonight, we’ll pray and encourage one another as the Holy Spirit leads.
In addition, we will lay before God the following as we seek His will in establishing the work of our hands for the Gospel to reach our city (and BEYOND!):
Isaiah 55:5 established in our going and coming in and on Fort Worth communities and campuses
Ten (10) students from TCU to register before Nov 1st cutoff to attend ENC Conference 2023
Ten (10) students and one (1) Sponsor/Champion from TCU Faculty/Staff to officially ENC TCU Chapter
Two (2) fully-funded campus missionaries for TCU
Starting a student-led Bible study at TCU
Favor for divine appointments to engage and share the Gospel with lost family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and students/faculty
Community group leaders and groups to launch from Community Dinners
People, Purpose, and Plan for 2023 Interest Meetings and Sunday Gatherings
In addition, we aim our hearts to go beyond the borders of our city and into the world to pray for God’s wisdom, unity, safety, and provision for the following people and ministries:

Let’s unite in prayer for Luke and Holly Smith (and family) to make disciples and serve the people of Anguillara Sabazia, Italy (central Italy just 30km/20mi. northwest of Rome) via Shine-Light Ministries in such a way that the heart and power of the Gospel and Jesus Christ are on display.
Let’s unite in prayer for Pastor Shad and Caresse Bell of Family Life Austin – An Every Nation Church Plant based in Downtown Austin aiming to unite diverse people who find their identity, purpose, and life in Christ.
Read more about why they believe
“The City Needs What You Have”.

Weekly Prayer Call from 8 pm – 9 pm (TONIGHT)
Every Wednesday night from 8 pm – 9 pm will be our corporate prayer and praise time to pray for the city of Fort Worth as well as one another and all that God is calling us to. We will start and end promptly, and look forward to everyone participating in our weekly call.
Join us at 8 pm tonight on Zoom, and let’s labor and pray to witness a change in communities and on campuses for Jesus.
God bless,
Pastor Alvin & Mallary Brown
alvin@makingamosaic.com :: mallary@makingamosaic.com
Prayer Requests & Updates
For evangelism to flourish so communities and campuses in the greater Fort Worth area will be reached, and the lost will see and experience the love of Christ and be drawn to his kingdom.
For signs and wonders to follow the preaching of His Word.
For team unity and laborers to help carry the load.
For finances and provisions.
For fully funded campus missionaries (2 per campus) to help reach the next generation — University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), Texas Christian University (TCU), Tarrant County College (TCC), Texas Wesleyan University (TWU) and Tarleton State University – Fort Worth (TSU).

Alvin Brown, the Lead Pastor of Mosaic Church Fort Worth, brings over a decade of pastoral ministry experience and more than 20 years of operational and technical leadership expertise. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Telecommunications Management from DeVry University and an MBA from Keller Graduate School of Management. He enjoys spending quality time with his wife, Mallary, and their three children and contributing as a writer to various media outlets.