Community. Harvest. Miracles.

Published October 18, 2022

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Community. Harvest. Miracles.

Hi everyone!

September has been chocked-full of places to be and people to see, meet, and connect with.

Hmm… let’s see, what has happened since the last touch point?

Of course, first things first, we’re completely moved in and the office is fully functional as is the amenity center swimming pool (I know… priorities, priorities). Most importantly, the number of boxes to unpack lessens as fast as the days pass — really fast!

Speaking of fast, we didn’t waste any time meeting and getting to know our neighbors. In fact, we met two different neighbors after they lost internet service for 2-3 hours thanks to our internet installation disrupting their service.

Nevertheless, while we temporarily lost our online connection to the rest of the world, the Lord provided an excellent opportunity for us to meet and connect with one another in person. This also led to our meeting and connecting with three additional families (with kids our age in tow) that are our immediate neighbors.

And speaking of connecting with one another in person, meeting our neighbors led to Mal and I opening our home a week later to host an evening of “Friends, Food, and Fun”. We’ve had a blast getting to know one another over food and games.

We’ve since met a few more times. It’s been most encouraging for us and neighbors that have never met to connect and start their own relational journeys in friendship. We’ll continue to host and meet every two weeks til’ the end of the year.

In addition to kicking off our Community Dinners, we also made campus visits to TCU. It’s been an interesting adventure being on a college campus where most heads are down in devices with air pods in tow — rather in ears.

But God is faithful and the harvest is plenty here at TCU as I visit with, meet, and engage students (and staff too!) weekly to share the Gospel. I’ve managed to find my way around to common areas where students frequent — Smoothie King, campus store, and Community Commons.

And speaking of community, another sweet and memorable TCU visit was to support Joya (view the latest newsletter for more on Joya) and the community of Phi Mu as they hosted Milkshakes for Miracles.

Milkshakes for Miracles is a philanthropy event to raise awareness and donations to fund critical treatments, healthcare services, pediatric medical equipment, and charitable care for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, specifically Cooks Children’s.

And speaking of children, Ian, Seth, and Mila are doing well, quite well I might add since having made friends next door and at school. Most important though, the entire month of September can be highlighted by all the sweet treats consumed — milkshakes, soft serve, and popsicles.

As I close, we’re looking forward to closing out the year strong. In fact, please be in prayer with us as we pray and believe to send ten (10) students from TCU to the 2023 ENC Conference. Registration ends Nov. 1st.

Until our next touch point, mark your calendars! Invite a friend, family, coworker, or neighbor, and plan to be present on the following dates:

Community Dinner/Hangout
Food, Fun, Friends, and Family at the Brown’s House
Saturday, Oct. 30th @ 5 pm


Community Dinner/Hangout
Food, Fun, Friends, and Family at the Brown’s House
Sunday, Nov. 13th @ 5 pm

Weekly Prayer Call from 8 pm – 9 pm (TOMORROW)

Every Wednesday night from 8 pm – 9 pm will be our corporate prayer and praise time to pray for the city of Fort Worth as well as one another and all that God is calling us to. We will start and end promptly, and look forward to everyone participating in our weekly call.


Well, that’s all for now. It goes without saying… but from our heart to yours…

THANK Y’ALL for your continued partnership as we discover and answer the call to make disciples for Jesus in the greater Fort Worth metro.

We truly know that we’re in this together, laboring alongside one another as the hands and feet of Jesus to change the community and campus, forever changing the world!

We love you and look forward to seeing you on Zoom for prayer tomorrow night at 8 pm sharp!

God bless,
Pastor Alvin & Mallary Brown ::

Prayer Requests & Updates

For evangelism to flourish so communities and campuses in the greater Fort Worth area will be reached, and the lost will see and experience the love of Christ and be drawn to his kingdom.

For signs and wonders to follow the preaching of His Word.

For team unity and laborers to help carry the load.

For finances and provisions.

For fully funded campus missionaries (2 per campus) to help reach the next generation — University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), Texas Christian University (TCU), Tarrant County College (TCC), Texas Wesleyan University (TWU) and Tarleton State University – Fort Worth (TSU).

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