Join us for “A Faith Without Favorites,” part of the “You Have a Part to Play” series—a series where we address six key cultural issues—Fame, Homelessness, Creation Care, Politics, Modern Slavery, and Common Humanity.
In this sermon, “A Faith Without Favorites,” Pastor Alvin Brown delivers a powerful message on how favoritism challenges our common humanity.
He tackles the tough yet relatable issue of partiality as highlighted in James 2—favoring others based on appearance, status, or background—and how it disrupts the love and unity God calls us to embody. Pastor Alvin invites us to examine our own biases while encouraging a shift toward valuing all people equally as bearers of God’s image.
Whether you’ve ever felt judged or excluded or have struggled with favoritism yourself, this message is for you. Watch as we learn to see others—and ourselves—through God’s eyes, embracing a faith that loves without limits of favoritism.
Discover how your story fits into God’s greater plan and His role for you to play in shaping the world around you. Watch and listen now and be inspired to be a difference-maker!