When was the last time you said “thank you”? To someone? For something? Toward your family, friends, co-workers—or even God?
Continue reading Thanking Beyond A Holiday.When was the last time you said “thank you”? To someone? For something? Toward your family, friends, co-workers—or even God?
Continue reading Thanking Beyond A Holiday.As the leaves in Fort Worth change to the warm hues of fall, lives are being changed to shine the light of God’s kingdom in a world that often feels dark—through meaningful connections on campus and in the community.
Continue reading Changing Leaves, Changing Lives.What do you think your tombstone will read at the end of your life? Wife, father, friend, employee?
What can you say will summarize your life? What if you could really only use one word?
What would that one word be?
Continue reading Who Will You Be?
Let’s begin by inviting God into our time together, asking Him to reveal His purpose, presence, and power in our lives. Let’s open our hearts to encounter Him and ask that this conversation would draw us closer to each other and to His purpose for us.
Who’s your favorite _________?
What’s your favorite _________?
Where’s your favorite _________?
Why is that your favorite _________?
How did _________ become your favorite?
11 AM Sundays @ Rolling Hills Elementary School :: 10351 Orchard Way :: Fort Worth, Texas 76126 | Mosaic Church Fort Worth :: +1 (972) 695-9838 :: info@mosaicfortworth.com :: 2023-2025 © | All Rights Reserved.