Hi everyone!
What a blessed Sunday today was to start 2025 by gathering back at Rolling Hills Elementary to encounter the presence and faithfulness of God.
I hope you’ve taken the time to seek and hear from the Lord regarding what you’ll be fasting from this upcoming week—whether it’s a water-only fast, a vegetable-only fast, abstaining from social media, or limiting to one meal a day, among other options.
This week holds significant importance for Mosaic Church Fort Worth as we join over 700 Every Nation churches worldwide in commencing our annual week of prayer, fasting, and consecration.
Every Nation 2025 Prayer, Fasting, and Consecration
January 6-10, 2025
The Cross :: And What It Means For Fallen Humanity
In 2025, we believe in God as we journey throughout this year, learning about how the cross is foundational to everything we do as disciples and ministers.
Take a moment to watch the video below and hear from Garrison Fuller, Campus Director at Grace Covenant Church, as he shares with us why and how Christ’s forgiveness of his tormentors reveals God’s desire to extend forgiveness to all.
Also, you’re welcome to spend this evening reflecting on how if we want to remain faithful to the call God has given us as a global family of churches, then we must continue to be Christ-centered.

These devotionals focus on the sayings from Jesus’s actual experience on the cross and are personal and visceral. However, they also reflect broader theological themes that enable us to understand what the work of the cross accomplishes for fallen humanity.
The Cross: Family Devotional Guide will help your family learn about the cross and its importance. Whether you’re fasting or simply participating in daily prayer times, you can draw closer to God together in many ways.

We’re optimistic about God’s work, believing in a deeper biblical understanding of the cross that glorifies God, changes our hearts, and fuels our mission to make disciples of Jesus in Fort Worth’s communities and campuses, and beyond.
That’s all for now! Keep an eye out for tomorrow’s content in the early morning, and we’re excited to have you join our daily prayer call from 12-12:30 pm. Register if you haven’t already!
See you at noon!
God bless,
Pastor Alvin & Mallary Brown
Every Nation is a global family of churches. Every Nation exists to honor God by establishing Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation. Every Nation believes when we reach the campus, we reach the future leaders of society, their families, and the world. Visit www.everynation.org to learn more about Every Nation.