In Case You Missed It

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Hi everyone!

We’re encouraged to connect with you all tonight at 8 pm for our time of corporate prayer and praise as we seek God on behalf of the greater Fort Worth metroplex.

Last week we specifically prayed and sought God for how we best honor Him in loving and serving our neighbors throughout the communities and campuses as we would love ourselves.

As we invest time together tonight, we’ll continue to aim our hearts to pray through the life and lens of the persistent widow (Luke 18:1-8), praying specifically to reach and see the Gospel transform communities and campuses across Fort Worth.

Continue reading Faith on Earth as it is in Heaven.
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Hi everyone!

I hope everyone had a blessed holiday weekend. We enjoyed having everyone over for dinner this past Sunday — mark those calendars for dinner at 5 pm on Saturday, September 17th (more details to come).

We’re excited to connect with everyone tonight at 8 pm to continue in our time of corporate prayer and praise as we seek God on behalf of the greater Fort Worth metroplex.

Last week we specifically interceded on behalf of and prayed for God’s presence of love, justice, and mercy to be made known to widows, orphans, sojourners, and the poor across the Fort Worth metroplex.

As we invest time together tonight, we’ll specifically pray and seek God for how we best honor Him throughout the communities and campuses in loving and serving our neighbors as we love ourselves — as outlined in Mark 12:28-31 below.

Continue reading A Prayer for Loving Your Neighbor.
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Hi everyone!

We’re finally moved closed, moved in (not unboxed, yet!), and have internet (ya know, the important things!). 😊

We’re excited to connect with everyone tonight at 8 pm to continue in our time of corporate prayer and praise as we seek God on behalf of the greater Fort Worth metroplex.

Last week we specifically interceded on behalf of and prayed for local colleges, universities, and trade/vocational schools across the Fort Worth metroplex.

As we invest time together tonight, we’ll pray specifically for God’s presence of love, justice, and mercy to be made known to widows, orphans, sojourners, and the poor.

Continue reading A Prayer for Love, Justice, and Mercy.
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