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Hi everyone!

November has come and gone, and in the twinkle of an eye now enters the festive Christmas decor of lights, garland, songs, and action!

But before we discuss Christmas and all that’s to arrive this Advent season — exciting news to share too, November not only marked gratitude for our family and Mosaic Church Fort Worth, but it was a month for all to simply learn to be in the presence of God.

When I think about what it means to “to be” in the presence of God, I can’t help but think of Hamlet’s soliloquy of “To Be, Or Not To Be, That Is The Question.” — all about life and death, and the fearful uncertainty of what comes after death, which is often a struggle during the holidays for many people and in general for a number of reasons outside of everyday life stresses and struggles.

Of course, I believe many people avoid or forgo such thoughts as they occupy their lives with all the people to see, places to be, and things to do as coping mechanisms.

But why? I mean, how does such a thing happen?

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Hi everyone!

In this season of Advent, we celebrate the anticipation of the arrival, and the coming of Jesus through prayer, song, devotionals, and the reading of God’s Word.

One of the mainstays throughout our celebration has been the lighting of candles on the Advent wreath.

Each candle represents a virtue of God — hope, love, joy, and peace — while symbolizing, and embodying the heart and meaning of the season: the light of Christ Jesus is center and luminous for all the world to experience.

And each week during our time of prayer together, we believed for the following to be realized:

Continue reading Prayers to Come Home for Christmas.
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Hi everyone!

As we approach the final Sunday in this season of Advent, I pray that we’re all reminded of what the birth of Jesus brings our hearts and our world the most in their darkest of dark moments: peace.

As we count down the days til’ Christmas and even a new year that’s ahead of us, an unfortunate truth is that fear steals the good tidings of great joy in the hearts of many.

Fear lurks about the heart as a constant daily battle, and can more so be the case during the Christmas holiday. The fear of busyness, and all the things to do at work or home by year-end. The fear of finances running short. The fear of spending the holidays alone. The fear of losing a job, or most devastating, the fear of losing a loved one or friend.

Oh, and let us not forget the debilitating fear of the uncertainty and unknown that each day, hour, minute, or second poses.

Before long, if we’re not careful, we could find our hearts growing cynical and our heart’s light for Jesus dimming, if not completely snuffed out.

Our hearts then wandered far from His peace, spiritually shattered and splintered into pieces and on full display for the world to gawk at and see.

So what is the antidote to all this fear, you ask?

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Hi everyone!

As we approach week three in this season of Advent, I was reminded of how the world can truly be a dark place to call home at times — and it seems to grow darker by the day by some accounts.

In fact, as I read, studied, and meditated upon the entire passage of Isaiah 60 yesterday in preparation for tonight’s prayer call, my phone buzzed with a puzzling headline notification that served as a reminder:

For A Brief Moment Today, 90 Percent Of Humanity Will Be Engulfed In Darkness.

The headline referenced that nearly 9 in 10 people, due to the world’s population density, could look up and see a sky that is completely dark — a moment of maximum darkness.

Wow! Talk about notification of double entendre as I was simultaneously reading verses 1-3 of Isaiah 60:

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Hi everyone!

I hope all of you had a blessed Thanksgiving holiday, giving thanks and eating just enough.

I also hope everyone made good memories while expressing gratitude to God for family and friends.

Kicking off the holiday season — the parades of lights, decorations, gifts, events, music, and much more — can be a good time for some and a not-so-good time for others due to a variety of reasons and life experiences.

But no matter where we find ourselves on the spectrum of the holiday season being good or not so good, our hearts can not only be encouraged by the glimmer and twinkle of Christmas light shows but more importantly, transformed by the Light of all lights that the world can’t extinguish — the celebration and arrival of the season of Advent.

What does the season of Advent consist of, you ask?

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