In the Christian faith, we find joy in being reconciled with God, our true home of redemption. Despite facing grief and tears, the hope of joy remains, thanks to Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, offering us complete redemption.
We welcome you to participate in our church’s weekend celebration services.

Online only
What makes Good Friday good? Together, we commemorate what Jesus Christ suffered for our sake and reflect on the cost He paid to secure our redemption.
We invite you to join us online for the Good Friday services on Friday, March 29th, at 6 pm or 7:30 pm, hosted by our sending church, Mosaic Church Austin.

In-person only
We’re excited to celebrate Easter Sunday in person with you!
Please join us for our 11 am Sunday Service on March 31st at Rolling Hills Elementary, located at 10351 Orchard Way in Fort Worth, Texas, 76126.
Together, we’ll proclaim with joy and gratitude, “He is risen; He is risen indeed!” See you there!

Rolling Hills Elementary School
10351 Orchard Way
Fort Worth, Texas, 76126
We can’t wait to see you! Rolling Hills Elementary School is easy to locate, with its distinctively modern-looking building and signature rolling hills as its backdrop.
But we’ve covered you for those who want extra help finding us! Check out the handy little map showing you how to get to the school easily.