Day Two :: Miracles :: Healing

Published January 10, 2023

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Day Two :: Miracles :: Healing

Hi everyone!

Welcome to day two of our fast.  Today we will look at the first recorded miracle of the early church in the book of Acts as recorded by Luke.

Take a moment to watch the video below and hear from Paul Barker, Director of Operations in the Every Nation Nashville, TN office, as he shares the key source to realizing God’s power in the miraculous healings — both natural and supernatural — of yesterday, today, and the future.

Then take a moment to read and reflect upon how great and powerful the name of Jesus is to miraculously heal the sick when we call upon His name in prayer.

Day Two :: Miracles :: Healing

May God’s presence and power be with you this day as we believe to witness His providential healing in the world. 

That’s it for now!  Be on the lookout for day three’s content tomorrow morning.

See you soon!

God bless,
Pastor Alvin & Mallary Brown ::

Your voice of comfort, We long to hear, In times of trouble, You promised to be near, Still we are waiting.

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