We made it… Praise the Lord!
It’s the end of a remarkable week dedicated to studying, praying, and fasting for holiness from the One True God.
It’s been incredible to observe how God has been active during our week of prayer, fasting, and consecration.
As we wrap up our week with this final communication, take a moment to read our final devotional, The Crucible of Holiness, from 1 Peter 4:1-5, 12-16.
Next, watch the video from Justin Tjoandi, Every Nation Campus Director at Every Nation Indonesia in Jakarta, Indonesia, as he expounds on how the crucible of holiness is human suffering where our faith is tested. We learn to rejoice as God’s glory is revealed in and through us.
In addition, take a moment to hear from Pastor Steve about the many testimonies of God meeting both local and global families of churches in the mightiest of ways as we consecrated ourselves and focused on holiness from the book of 1 Peter.
See you bright and early at 11 am tomorrow at Rolling Hills Elementary School (10351 Orchard Way, Fort Worth, Texas, 76126) as we kick off our 7-week series entitled (you guessed it!): Set Apart: A Biblical View of Holiness.
We can’t wait to continue our set-apart journey together this year. See you soon!
God bless,
Pastor Alvin & Mallary Brown
alvin@makingamosaic.com :: mallary@makingamosaic.com
Every Nation is a global family of churches. Every Nation exists to honor God by establishing Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation. Every Nation believes when we reach the campus, we reach the future leaders of society, their families, and the world. Visit www.everynation.org to learn more about Every Nation.