A Dream Made Reality.

Published September 13, 2023

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A Dream Made Reality.

Move the immovable
Break the unbreakable
God, we believe
God, we believe for it

From the impossible
We’ll see a miracle
God, we believe
God, we believe for it

We believed for a miracle, and through prevailing prayers…

Sunday, September 10, 2023 we sang the aforementioned lyrics of “Believe For It” and witnessed a dream of a church, Jesus’s Church, being planted in Fort Worth, Texas.

A dream of a church that itself dreams big, staying focused on the small—being witnesses powered by the Holy Spirit.

A dream of a church where every kind of person from every kind of background, regardless of age, ethnicity, culture, or skin color, would feel welcomed, supported, and challenged to grow.

A dream of a group of people who would worship until the heavens felt it, who would love one another until their hearts knew it, and who would sacrifice for the world until the nations saw it.

The kind of church committed to believing that because Jesus is real and has called the world to follow Him, our lives, and days, and decisions… matter!

The kind of church focused on living, breathing, and expressing a reality that in Jesus and his Gospel, all things hold together and find their meaning.

Sunday, this dream became a reality… just like the church in the book of Acts.

What kind of a church is that? What does that look like?

Well, what do you call a work of art where every piece—no matter the size or color—fits together to make something bigger and better than it could ever be on its own?

You call it the same thing that God purposed us to call ourselves… A Mosaic!

Indeed, we believed for a miracle and… This past Sunday, God made a dream a reality: Mosaic Church Fort Worth. 🚀

We believed for a miracle… and God made a dream a reality this past Sunday: Mosaic Church Fort Worth.🚀
#launchsunday #churchplanting #churchplant

As we pray tonight, our hearts are filled with celebration and gratitude. We thank God for bringing the dream of Mosaic Church Fort Worth to life, and we anticipate its continued growth in the days, weeks, months, and generations to come.

Let us be the kind of church that maintains an unceasing commitment to prayer and an unwavering faith in God’s miraculous work through the Gospel of Jesus.

Let our prayer be that His message reaches and transforms our lives and those of others, impacting our communities, campuses, and the city of Fort Worth and extending far beyond.

See you tonight at 8 pm via Zoom as we continue praying to see God’s next miracles.

God bless,
Pastor Alvin & Mallary Brown

alvin@makingamosaic.com :: mallary@makingamosaic.com


Join us at 11 AM this coming Sunday, September 17th, as we embark on an exciting 12-week ‘We Are The Church’ Bible study covering the book of Acts.

Together, we will explore how we, as the present-day Church, can embody the essence of the early Church. Let’s be witnesses to God’s remarkable work through miracles, signs, and wonders, just as the Church did in the days of Acts.

Please order your copy of ‘Acts: A 12-Week Study (Knowing the Bible)’ before September 17th to prepare. Be sure to read and complete the material for the first two weeks, covering pages 7 to 17.

We can’t wait to dive into this transformative study together!

P.S.S. Mark your calendar and join us for food and fun at The Brown’s house (text The Browns for location details).

Sunday, Sep. 17th @ 5 pm

Sunday, Oct. 29th @ 5 pm

Come for the food and fun, stay for the community!

General Prayer Requests & Updates

For evangelism to flourish so communities and campuses in the greater Fort Worth area will be reached, and the lost will see and experience the love of Christ and be drawn to his kingdom.

For signs and wonders to follow the preaching of His Word.

For team unity and laborers to help carry the load.

For finances and provisions.

For fully funded campus missionaries (2 per campus) to help reach the next generation — Texas Christian University (TCU), Tarrant County College (TCC), Texas Wesleyan University (TWU) and Tarleton State University – Fort Worth (TSU), University of Texas at Arlington (UTA), and Dallas Baptist University (DBU).

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